The offline casino environment in Romania
When looking for an offline casino in Romania you will have a hard time finding one as they are usually only found in 5-star hotels in the bigger Romanian cities such as Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara and Arad.
If you are in a smaller city or in the countryside you won’t have any true brick and mortar casino to play at, you are rather limited to the gambling halls and special betting shops. In the smaller cities, you can find medium size gambling halls with a couple of dozens of slots from the most popular game providers such as EGT and Novomatic. In the countryside, the gambling halls becomes significantly smaller and they might only contain 2-3 slots machines. These stores are also not a casino in its true sense as they don’t offer any live casino games such as roulette, blackjack, poker or craps. They also don’t offer the same gambling opportunities in terms of bets. Usually, you can only play for smaller amounts at these places.
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Terrestrial and virtual gambling operators are subject to different tax regimes in Romania. Landbased providers of such services are annually charged at a flat rate that depends on the type of games they operate. The annual charges may vary from €5,000 for poker rooms and sweepstakes to €95,000 for physical casinos.
Landbased operators must also contribute an annual authorization tax that is calculated based on several criteria, including revenue and number of gambling locations. Sports betting activities, bingo games shown on TV, and sweepstakes have to pay 16% of their revenue. However, the contributed sum should be no less than €90,000 for sports wagering and €115,000 for bingo games.
Terrestrial casino operators in Bucharest are taxed with authorization charges of €60,000 per gaming table while those based outside the Romanian capital pay €30,000 per table. Slot machines that yield unlimited winnings are subject to authorization charges of €3,600 while bingo games operated in gambling halls are taxed €7,000 per location.
Operators of video lottery terminals (VLT) are charged at a rate of 3% of the gaming revenue. With that said, operators are not the only ones to pay taxes. Patrons are charged entrance fees of €10 for gambling halls and €6-€7 for poker rooms.
Under Article 92 of Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018, operators that had carried out activities between 2015 and 2018 and owe tax contribution must pay it to the Romanian State Treasury within a period of five days after receiving notification from the local gambling regulator. Ordinance no. 114/2018 also requires those who provide terrestrial chance-based games to set up a special fund that serves as a guarantee against the non-payment of taxes.
View more...Authorized online gambling operators are taxed based on their annual turnover. They have to pay €6,000 annually for a turnover of up to €500,000 or €120,000 annually for a turnover that exceeds €10 million. The authorization taxes for virtual gambling are set at 16% of the operators’ gross gaming revenue (GGR), with an annual minimum of €100,000.
Similarly to terrestrial operators, their online counterparts pay €5,000 per year to the Romanian Gambling Office to combat and prevent problem gambling. Each company must allocate a guarantee fund that serves as a protection against non-payment of taxes to the local authorities.
Article 53 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018 requires online licensees to contribute the additional 2% of their turnover each month on top of the authorization and GGR taxes. The turnover tax came into force at the beginning of 2019 and must be paid by the 25th of each month.
View more...Casino operators are hardly the only ones that pay taxes in Romania. As we explained previously, customers must pay fees upon entering landbased poker clubs and casinos. But it does not end there. Taxes are also imposed on the winnings players generate. Virtual operators were initially expected only to inform their customers and the local tax authorities about the amounts players have won during the previous year.
Then the patrons were themselves required to declare their winnings by filing a tax statement so that local authorities can calculate the total payable amount. However, this procedure is no longer in place as of the spring of 2018 due to changes in Romania’s Fiscal Code.
Under the amendments, authorized online operators are now obliged to withhold the necessary taxes each time a customer requests a withdrawal from their real-money balance. As for terrestrial gambling activities, players must pay taxes as long as their winnings exceed the amount of RON 66,750, which is around €15,000. Gambling debts are enforceable in Romania provided they have been incurred with locally licensed operators.
View more...Care sunt cele mai bune platforme de casino online România unde pot juca ruletă, blackjack și baccarat live?
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Selecția de jocuri la cazinourile online
Se prea poate să preferi sloturi online cu fruits, așa cum sunt Super 20 Hot, Burning Hot sau Sizzling Hot ori să vrei să joci păcănele de aventură, precum Book of Ra, Kindgoms Rise sau Gonzo’s Quest. Unii jucători își îndreaptă atenția către sloturile fanteziste precum Lucky Lady’s Charm, în timp ce alții joacă acum Auto-Roulette, Speed Roulette sau Blackjack VIP sau Unlimited în secțiunile live ale platformelor de casino online.
În cazul acestor jocuri există un element comun – avantajul casei. Acest factor influențează nu doar veniturile cazinourilor, ci și câștigurile pe care le pot obține jucătorii pe termen lung. Dacă te afli în căutarea distracției și nu te interesează partea de cash, atunci nu o să te afecteze atât de mult acest aspect. În schimb, dacă vrei să faci un ban jucând la cazino, atunci ar trebui să te intereseze foarte mult avantajul casei.
Raportul dintre pariul plasat inițial și valoarea medie a pierderilor poartă denumirea de avantajul casei. Pornim de la o certitudine atunci când vine vorba despre cazinouri online: niciodată cazinoul nu pierde pe termen lung. Ceea ce înseamnă că jucătorul trebuie să aleagă acele variante de joc online care să îi ofere și lui un avantaj.
În funcție de tipului jocului pe care îl alegi, avantajul casei este diferit, la fel cum se întâmplă chiar și atunci când optezi pentru versiuni diverse ale jocului. Iată câteva exemple care te vor ajuta să înțelegi mai bine care este avantajul casei raportat la modalitatea de distracție pe care o alegi.
RTP-ulu jocului îți va indica valoarea avantajului casei – de exemplu, la Book of Ra RTP-ul este de 96%, la Book of Ra Deluxe, RTP-ul este de 95,5% iar la Burning Hoț este de 96, 45%. Scade din 100% procentul indicat de RTP și vei afla avantajul casei (4% - Book of Ra, 4, 5% la variante Deluxe a aceluiași slot și 3, 55% la Burning Hot). Sloturi precum Goblin’s Cave (99, 3%), Ugga Bugga (99, 1%) sau Nemo’s Voyage (99%) îți oferă cel mai bun avantaj al casei.
Jocurile de masă
Atunci când vrei să încerci diverse versiuni de ruletă, Sic Bo ori craps, este foarte posibil să nu te gândești la avantajul casei. Numai că, atunci când începi să joci o să observi că anumite variante ale acestor jocuri îți oferă mai multe avantaje în comparație cu altele. La ruleta americană, casa are un avantaj de 5, 26%, care este dublu față de versiunea europeană (2, 7%).
În cazul în care te pasionează să joci Sic Bo, nu toate versiunile sunt avantajoase, pentru că varianta cea mai interesantă îți permite să beneficiezi de un avantaj de 2, 78%. Numai că, avantajul casei în cazul acestor versiuni de distracție la cazino ajunge în unele situații și până la 33, 33%. Craps oferă un avantaj al casei cuprins între 1, 36% și 16, 67%.
Jocurile de cărți
Poker, blackjack sau baccarat – fiecare dintre aceste moduri de distracție pe care le poți încerca online îți oferă șanse mai mare sau mai mici la câștig. La baccarat, avantajul casei este în funcție de pariuri – mergi pe mâna bancherului și vei câștiga un plus în comparație cu pariul pe mâna jucătorului (1, 06% față de 1, 24%). Desigur, nu se compara cu a paria pe egalitate, caz în care avantajul casei este de 14, 36%.
Blackjack-ul este foarte avantajos pentru jucători, nu doar pentru că este ușor de jucat și poți câștiga repede cash, ci și pentru că oferă un avantaj al casei de 0,28% (varianta Vegas). Atunci când joci poker trebuie să fii atent la versiunea aleasă – Carribean Stud oferă un avantaj casei de 5, 22%, Pai Gow se remarcă printr-un avantaj al casei de 1, 46%, în timp ce fanii video poker-ului se confruntă cu un avantaj al casei de 0, 46%.
Din ce în ce mai multe cazinouri online le oferă membrilor versiuni de keno. După câteva sesiuni jucate vei observa că fiecare variantă are un avantaj al casei cuprins între 25% și 29%. Un avantaj foarte mare, care plasează acest tip de jocuri de casino online printre jocurile la care este dificil să obții premii.
Sfatul nostru, ca de obicei, este să aduni informații înainte de a începe să joci aceste jocuri. Keno și Sic Bo sunt cele mai “păguboase” variante de distracție în cazinouri pentru că nu le oferă jucătorilor posibilitatea de a câștiga bani prea ușor. Așa că jucați doar atunci când există informații suficiente despre avantajul casei pentru că numai în acest fel șansele se pot transforma în bani!
Pariuri sportive
Cele mai bune cazinouri online le oferă jucătorilor nu doar jocuri casino online și loto ori bingo de la producători de top, ci și alte modalități de relaxare, precum sunt pariurile sportive. Preferate de un număr crescut de jucători de casino online din România, pariurile live le pot aduce acestora câștiguri însemnate chiar atunci când joacă la cazino.
Acest lucru este posibil pentru că mare parte dintre aceste platforme de casino online România dispun de o secțiune de pariuri sportive și jocuri virtuale ori e-sports la care poți paria instant. Get’s Bet, Sportingbet, Winbet, Superbet, Netbet, Unibet și Betano se numără printre cele mai ofertante case de pariuri și platforme de casino România.
Iar unele dintre aceste site-uri cu jocuri casino online, precum Betfair, le oferă membrilor posibilitatea de a plasa pariuri contra altor jucători – Exchange. Așa că, atunci când vrei să iei o scurtă pauză de la jocuri casino online, poți juca la pariuri, mai ales că poți câștiga mulți bani din câteva click-uri.
Există trei tipuri de rulete populare în toate cazinourile online: franceză, europeană și americană. Între acestea existe o serie de diferențe, cea mai cunoscută fiind prezența unui câmp dublu 00 pe lângă 0 și cele 36 de numere la ruleta americană.
Jocul de casino online are drept scop obținerea unei mâini cu valoarea 21. Această combinație îi oferă jucătorului o cotă de plată de 3:2. Blackjack-ul are unul dintre cele mai mici avantaje ale casei (sub 1%).
Unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri de noroc, acesta este un joc de casino care se bazează foarte mult pe hazard, numerele fiind extrase în mod aleatoriu.
Jucătorul trebuie să obțină o mână cu valoarea 9 pentru a câștiga la jocul de baccarat. Se pariază pe mâna jucătorului, a bancherului sau pe egalitate, avantajul casei fiind de 1.24%, 1.06%, respectiv 14.36%.
Sloturi video
Cea mai populară categorie de jocuri de casino online, video sloturile au fost lansate pentru prima dată în 1976. De atunci, jocurile de pacanele cu 5 role au devenit extrem de apreciate de către jucători.
Video Poker
Varianta de poker online derivată din jocul de casino Five Card Draw, extrem de apreciată de jucătorii de poker de la cazinourile digitale.
Jocurile cu dealeri live
Jocurile tradiționale de noroc care pot fi jucate în compania dealerilor umani în secțiunea de live casino ale platformelor de cazino.
Jackpot-uri progresive
Acele jocuri de păcănele care oferă un jackpot a cărui valoare crește la fiecare miză plasată de jucătorii care joacă acel slot, indiferent de cazinoul la care se joacă.
Is online lottery legal in Romania?
Online lottery is legal in Romania since 2010. It is a monopoly of Loteria Română.
What is the minimum gambling age in Brazil?
Romanian players have to be at least 18 to be allowed to register and play in online casinos for real money.
Helsinki-based platform provider Finnplay has announced the launch of a new iGaming offering for licensed Romanian operator Princess Casino.
Princess Casino is owned by recently established Gibraltar-based Crowd Services and offers a selection of online slots and live casino games from the likes of Pragmatic Play and Evolution Gaming.
“We are proud to be part of the very successful launch of this exciting new brand,” said Finnplay chief marketing officer Erkki Nikunen. “Princess Casino is an elegantly crafted site with an intelligent design to optimize traffic and engagement. We were especially pleased to achieve Princess Casino’s goal of a very fast delivery and time to market.”
Princess Casino CRM director Daniela Asaftei said: “Princess Casino is a brand new project aiming very high. Therefore, we were aware from the very beginning that we needed a partner we could trust it would deliver fast and bend to our ambitious needs.
“Together, we managed to add all the relevant game providers on the market within the first three months of activity, and this is only the beginning. We are already convinced we made the correct choice when partnering with Finnplay and that we are on the right path towards a state of the art online casino.”
HELSINKI, 2nd September 2020 – Finnplay Technologies, the Nordic provider of iGaming platform technology and services announced that Princess Casino has successfully launched their new site in Romania built on Finnplay’s platform, Titan. Princess Casino’s official launch has been commercially very successful, with an impressive volume of registrations and active players signing up in the first weeks.
Erkki Nikunen, Finnplay’s Chief Marketing Officer said: “We are proud to be part of the very successful launch of this exciting new brand. Princess Casino is an elegantly crafted site with an intelligent design to optimize traffic and engagement. We were especially pleased to achieve Princess Casino’s goal of a very fast delivery and time to market. “
Daniela Asaftei, CRM Director of Princess Casino, commented: “Princess Casino is a brand new project aiming very high. Therefore, we were aware from the very beginning that we needed a partner we could trust it would deliver fast and bend to our ambitious needs. Together, we managed to add all the relevant game providers on the market within the first 3 months of activity, and this is only the beginning. We are already convinced we made the correct choice when partnering with Finnplay and that we are on the right path towards a state of the art online casino”.
Overall, looking for a reliable online casino in Romania and throughout the world can be quite a challenge, but if you know what you’re looking for, you can easily spot those that stand out. Please take note of the abovementioned tips, and surely, you’ll definitely find your next gambling home.Romania is a country in Southeastern Europe with a population of 19.4 million nationals as of 2019. A member of the EU since 2007, Romania has witnessed a steady economic growth since then, which has earned it the nickname “the Tiger of Eastern Europe”. Living standards have been consistently improving in the country although it still has issues related to corruption, education, and infrastructure.
The roots of the country’s gambling industry can be traced to the early 20th century and the creation of the national lottery. Loteria Romana was established in 1906 and continues to operate to this day, offering number draws online and offline.
Romania was part of the Soviet Union from 1947 to 1989, during which period all forms of gambling were prohibited. Landbased gambling became legal again after the fall of the communist regime, which brought about the launch of the first new casino in 1991.
The gambling industry continued to thrive on Romanian soil over the following decades, with the turnover of gaming operators reaching RON9.11 billion in 2018. At the moment of writing, both landbased and virtual forms of gambling are legal in Romania. Either way, operators require authorization from the Romanian authorities before they can legally offer their products to local gamblers.
The forms of gambling allowed in the country include casino gaming, poker, slot machines, video lotteries, bingo, sports betting, regular lotteries, and keno. All of these activities are subject to the regulatory scope of the Romanian National Gambling Office (ONJN), which is tasked with the license issuance and the enforcement of the country’s gambling laws.
Split payment obligation for licence and authorisation taxes
Separate from the amendments brought by GO 15/2022 and GO 16/2022, there will be a payment split for both licence and authorisation taxes, resulting from the allocation of 1% of these taxes as a contribution to the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee and 0.2% to the Romanian Paralympic Committee. (The remaining 98.8% will remain a gambling tax).
From a practical perspective, this amendment creates an additional administrative burden since a license holder must now perform three payments instead of only one.
Although these changes were published in mid-February, the Romanian Tax Office issued the new bank accounts for the split payment and the relevant tax return on 24 June (see Order 1150/2022). According to current information, the split payments should be performed starting 30 June 2022.
For more on how these changes might affect your Romania-based gaming business, contact CMS experts Cristina Popescu, Partner and Andrei Tercu, Tax Director.
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Top 100 Enterprises - Gambling and Betting Activities in Romania" report has been added to's offering.
The Top 100 Enterprises is a report which analyses the biggest 100 companies from each industry in Romania (organized by NACE rev. 2. codes) using data from their balance sheet and P&L account from the last 5 financial years.
3 Models of risk analysis and performance of companies
The publisher created three analytic models similar to the models used by financial institutions to establish risk, for each company present in the report and performed the analysis of financial data from the last 5 years.
Depending on the performance each company obtained a score between 0 - 100 and one of the 5 risk classes (Very high risk -> Very low risk) determining the relative position of the company in the industry and whether the company has improved, maintained or deteriorated in the last year.
Analysts built the entire report around the idea of transmitting the results of the analysis as efficiently as possible, the report is interactive and easy to navigate.
In order to easily perceive the results, the tables and charts are made especially for each group of indicators analyzed so that the visual presentation blends perfectly with the technical component.
Centralization of performance scores
Analysts combined the results of the 100 companies into two representative dashboards, made specifically to illustrate each element of the risk and performance models and how each indicator analyzed influenced the final score.
Both dashboards focus on the centralized transmission of results and allow for comparative analysis and for a full imagine of the industry.
The Top 100 Enterprises gives you a complete image of the largest companies in each industry in Romania with a severe financial analysis recommended for companies that do business in Romania, want to sell their product in Romania, expand their business in Romania, vet a potential partner from Romania or analyze their competition.
Key Topics Covered:
Part I. Companies Score Dashboard
Part II. The Publisher's Benchmark Score Dashboard
Part III. Navigation menu
Part IV. Performance and risk analysis of the 100 companies
- Key information for each company
- The Publisher's Trend Score
- The Publisher's Benchmark Score
- The Publisher's Financial Score
- Financial information and financial indicators charts
- Balance Sheet and P&L Account 2015-2019
- Efficiency Indicators
- Profitability Indicators
- Debt Indicators
- Evolution over time of financial indicators
- Comparative evolution of financial indicators
- Evolution over time of size indicators
Part V. License to use and risk limitation
Companies Mentioned
- Admiral Leisure Srl
- Alea Leisure S.R.L.
- Ampera Games Srl
- Babaco Games S.R.L.
- Baum Srl
- Beroe Games Srl
- Bet Active Concept Srl
- Bet Zone SrlBhatzlacha Dreidel Europe Srl
- Bralina Serv Srl
- Bya Invest Srl
- Cardinal Entertainment Srl
- Casino Manhattan Srl
- Casino Palace Srl
- Cellada Srl
- Cemarbet Srl
- Ceziana Slot Srl
- Club Biliard I & Sv Srl
- Club King Srl
- Compania Nationala 'Loteria Romana' Sa
- Desdemona Impex Srl
- Development Services System Srl
- Digit Game Srl
- Direct Sport Bet Srl
- Elmat S.A.
- Eurogames Ltd Srl
- Fan Bet Srl
- Favorit Jackpot Slots S.R.L.
- Free Seven Games Srl
- Game Play Srl
- Game World Invest Srl
- Game World Romania Srl
- Games International Slot Machine S.R.L.
- Games Machines Srl
- Gamex Inter Srl
- Gear Slot Srl
- General Electronics Line Srl
- Gioland Sport Srl
- Golden Line Srl
- Goldprest Impex Srl
- Hattrick Bet Srl
- Intergame Select S.R.L.
- Intergames Srl
- Jack Casino Srl
- Keops Serv Srl
- King Club Srl
- Las Vegas Games & Fun Srl
- Lucky Seven Gambling Srl
- Mad Total Games Srl
- Magic Games Ab Srl
- Magic H & Ro Srl
- Mario Star Srl
- Markus Games Srl
- Max Bet Jocuri Electronice Srl
- Max Bet Srl
- Maximbet Games Srl
- Maxwin Slots S.R.L.
- Merkur Entertainment Center Srl
- Mind Games S.R.L.
- Mixt Evita Com Srl
- Multi Game Srl
- Nagra Gaming Srl
- Neidan Srl
- New Mozzart Srl
- Niko Group Com Srl
- Noblepiagio Srl
- Nova Games Srl
- Novo Vltech Solutions Srl
- Ocean Tag Srl
- Optim Games Srl
- Pari Bet Total Srl
- Performer Games Srl
- Pheonix Total Games S.R.L.
- Platinum Casino Srl
- Play Star Srl
- Playsys Srl
- Pro Hb Slots Srl
- Real Poker Srl
- Red Sevens S.R.L.
- Redlong Srl
- Revital Srl
- Rinacar Impex Srl
- River Bet Srl
- River Super Slot Srl
- Roberta Planet M Srl
- Royal Amex Srl
- Royal Clubinvest Srl
- Sandinex Club Srl
- Slot Arena Srl
- Spin Games Srl
- Sport Ten Bmg Srl
- Star Service Provider Srl
- Superbet Betting & Gaming S.A.
- Targatec Srl
- Top Club Games Srl
- Transilvania Gold Games Srl
- Vitmesstil Games Srl
- Westgate Romania Srl
- X Gaming S.A.
- Zaral Srl
For more information about this report visit
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With a population just shy of 20 million, boasting one the world’s fastest average internet speeds, and a well-established land-based gambling sector, the Romanian online gambling market has, at first glance, all the right conditions to be one of the most attractive in Europe.
To get the lowdown on the latest updates, trends, and opportunities for online casino that lie within the region, Catalin Negoita, commercial manager at Kalamba Games; Vladimir Malakchi, chief commercial officer at Evoplay; Robert Lee, commercial director at Realistic Games; and Michael Probert, director of commercial strategy at iSoftBet; deliver an update on a country that featured as the maiden CasinoBeats Countrywatch entrant.
CasinoBeats: Since the launch of online in 2015, how has it progressed and where does it sit as we near the close of 2021?
Catalin Negoita, commercial manager at Kalamba Games.
CN: The Romanian market has developed steadily since 2015 and is performing well. It was a jurisdiction that leading global operators in the industry had their eyes on right from the offset of it being regulated and a mix of local multi-channel specialists and established European online-only names are now licensed in the market.
Land-based slots have a long history in the country, and there is an established sports betting community which is always a good indication that online gambling will be popular and in-demand from the get-go.
Online gambling revenue has continued to grow over the last few years which has also been boosted by new operators entering the market with 27 licensees currently active.
There is still a lot of untapped potential in the Romanian market as online gambling is becoming more popular in the rural areas as well as internet connectivity is improving.
VM: It’s true – in recent years, Romania has seen a dynamic growth of total gambling revenue, mostly because of its legalisation of online gambling and the fantastic progress it has made in the past two years. As a result, the online gambling threshold in 2020 increased by about 90 per cent compared to the previous year.
Moreover, with the Euro 2020 tournament that took place in July this year, local operators reported attracting 250,000 new customers to their casino and betting sites, with each new customer spending roughly 40 Euros on average.
Thus, a large number of sports betting punters, in combination with a well-established, and what’s important, stable gambling ecosystem, gives Romania a ground to be one of the most attractive European markets in gambling.
Robert Lee, commercial director at Realistic Games.
RL: The introductory statement contains the essential reasons why we’ve had an eye on the Romanian market for some time. It enjoys a well-established gambling heritage and with its enviable infrastructure, it’s a market that offers Realistic a great opportunity.
There’s been a surge in growth in the last few years particularly since igaming was first regulated and while some of that undoubtedly is down to the closure of land-based locations during lockdowns, it has nevertheless left the online sector in a very healthy position.
MP: Romania is a mature yet consistently growing online market for sports and casino which undertook a fairly dramatic boost in 2020, helped in some part by the Euro football championship and the working from home situation.
On our platform specifically we have seen a very strong performance from long standing brands such as Netbet, Superbet, Maxbet and Gets Bet, but we have also witnessed extremely strong growth in the last two years of newer entrants such as Betano and MagicJackpot.
CB: Online gambling revenues in Romania were reported to have grabbed a 15 per cent share of the market versus the traditional land-based gambling sector, and the number continues to grow at an increasing pace. Do you see this growth enduring going forward?
Vladimir Malakchi, chief commercial officer at Evoplay.
VM: For sure, considering 2020 only pushed the potential of the online sector, which was progressing at an already rapid pace. The whole world is becoming mobile, adapted, pocket-sized, that is dictated by the users themselves and advanced technologies, which primarily work to optimise the user experience and its accessibility.
Meanwhile gambling – one of the vectors of the entertainment industry, which is now in incredible demand due to lockdown – is continuing to develop and surprise with new inventions. And besides, this applies not only to Romania but to the world at large.
Online is not a merely temporary replacement, but rather a new reality, so online gambling will continue to prove its dominance over land based gambling activity.
RL: Of course. There’s a huge appetite for online gambling and sports betting in Romania, and there is also currently a high level of familiarity among existing and potential new players.
Combine that with the attractive percentage of regular internet users and the influx of major suppliers represented on a host of well-regulated and professional platforms, and you have the perfect combination for growth. As players there become more used to the diversity of content that this influx provides, the growth is only going to continue to go one way.
Michael Probert, director of commercial strategy at iSoftBet.
MP: Yes. We will continue to see online gambling revenues take a larger share. Land-based casinos will always have their place and will continue to remain popular, but they simply don’t have the accessibility, choice of content or instant player rewards of online.
Smartphone usage is only getting higher, internet access is improving across the globe and the population is increasingly digital savvy, therefore I don’t see anything stopping just yet.
CN: This growth will not stop here. There is a lot of room for growth as land-based operators are continuously working on converting their customers to their online platforms.
As with most European markets, general mobile use is increasing which can also be seen in the gambling sector and plays an important part in the growth for the sector. The relatively fair regulations still allow for online operators to advertise on all media outlets which is an important element that helps increase their client base.
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