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". 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and</li><li>in the case of Sports Betting Games Played Online, collusion includes any of the following:<ol><li>having access to non-public/exclusive information related to an Event, or having the potential to impact the outcome of an Event or bet type, in respect of any Event overseen by the relevant Event governing body;</li><li>having sufficient authority to influence the outcome of an Event (including, without limitation, athletes, coaches, managers and owners), in respect of any Event overseen by the relevant Event governing body;</li><li>being an owner of an Event governing body or an Event member team, in respect of any Event overseen by that governing body or any event in which a member team of that governing body participates; or</li><li>compiling betting odds for any Event in which one is involved.</li></ol></li></ol><p>Each Player hereby represents and warrants to OLG that they comply, and will comply, with the provisions of paragraphs 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) of this Section 14.5.</p><p>OLG will use reasonable efforts to detect and prevent any such collusion, cheating, fraud or criminal activity by Players or the taking of any unfair advantage by Players, but in the event that any such activity occurs and another Player incurs any loss or damage, OLG will not be liable for any such loss or damage.</p><p>Each Player hereby represents and warrants to OLG that they comply, and will comply, with the provisions of paragraphs 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) of this Section 14.5.</p><p>OLG shall have the right to notify all third parties which OLG, in its sole discretion, determines to be appropriate in the event of any actual or suspected collusion, cheating, fraud or criminal activity by any Player or the taking of any unfair advantage by any Player, including the appropriate law enforcement authorities and other third parties that OLG determines to be appropriate (for example, police services, the AGCO, OLG's payment processors, Event governing bodies, other operators/providers of sports being platforms, and credit card issuers and brands).</p><h3>12.1 SUSPENSION OF A PLAYER ACCOUNT</h3><p>OLG shall have the right to suspend a Player Account at any time in its sole discretion (a “<strong>Suspended Account</strong>â€). Without limiting the foregoing, and by way of example only, OLG may Suspend a Player’s access to their Player Account if it suspects that the Player has improperly initiated a Chargeback or has committed any breach of this Player Agreement, applicable law, Lottery Game Rules, and/or the Pay-to-Play Game Rules.</p><p>While a Player Account is Suspended:</p><ol><li>a Player will be unable to login or access their Player Account; </li><li> a Player will be unable to withdraw any Unutilized Funds unless OLG, in its sole discretion, determines otherwise; </li><li>all Future Game Transactions associated with the Suspended Player Account will be suspended and/or cancelled (i.e. no purchase or other financial transaction in respect thereof that has not been completed at the time the Player Account is Suspended will be completed); and</li><li> a Player may be required to cooperate with any investigations conducted by OLG into the Player’s conduct prior to the Suspension being lifted (including provisions of additional documentation or information as requested by OLG). Failure to cooperate with this subsection 12.1(d) shall be deemed a Material Breach of this Agreement. </li></ol><p>If, during the Suspension, OLG determines that the Player has committed a Material Breach of this Agreement, it may Deactivate the Player Account in accordance with Section 12.2.</p><h3>Casino Classic</h3><p>Casino Classic is fully licensed by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission and has held its permit since the year 2000. With over 20 years in the gaming industry, you can be sure that Casino Classic does everything by the book. They have also had their games independently tested by eCORGA and accredited by the organization.</p><h2>2 DEFINITIONS</h2><p>The following terms have the respective meanings specified below, and grammatical variations of such terms have corresponding meanings:</p><p>“<strong>AGCO</strong>â€Â means the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and the successors thereof;</p><p>“<strong>AGCO Standards</strong>†means the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming and the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming: Lottery Sector, as prepared and issued by the Registrar of the AGCO, as amended or replaced from time to time;</p><p>“<strong>AGCO iGaming Standards</strong>†means the Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming;</p><p>“<strong>Agreement</strong>â€Â means this Player Agreement – Terms and Conditions of Use for OLG.ca, as amended or replaced from time to time by OLG;</p><p>“<strong>Bonus Funds</strong>â€Â means a notional amount corresponding to Canadian dollars that is loaded into a Player Account by OLG. Bonus Funds, subject to the applicable Bonus Funds Terms, can be used by a Player to play Pay-to-Play Games or Draw-Based Lottery Games Played Online, or both, without charge to the Player;</p><p>“<strong>Bonus Funds Terms</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 8.1. Subject to Section 3 of this Agreement, the Bonus Funds Terms are incorporated into and form part of this Agreement;</p><p>“<strong>Business Day</strong>â€Â means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, a statutory holiday in Ontario or any day on which banks are not open for business in Toronto, Ontario;</p><p>“<strong>Chargeback</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 6.4;</p><p>“<strong>Closed Account</strong>â€Â means a Player Account that is described in Section 11.1;</p><p>“<strong>Close</strong>â€Â or “<strong>Closure</strong>â€Â means the act of a Player closing their Player Account as described in Section 11.1;</p><p>“<strong>Deactivate</strong>â€Â or “<strong>Deactivation</strong>â€Â means that a Player Account has been set to a Deactivated Account as described in Section 12.2;</p><p>“<strong>Deactivated Account</strong>†has the meaning specified in Section 12.2;</p><p><strong>“Direct Pay</strong>â€Â means the online payment for the purchase of Draw-Based Lottery Games Played Online (subject to system availability), executed through the permitted payment card of the Player without the need to fund the Player Account, rather than through the use of Unutilized Funds and/or Bonus Funds.</p><p><strong>“Direct Pay Subscription Termsâ€</strong> means the terms and conditions applicable to a subscription for tickets for a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online made through Direct Pay in accordance with Section 5.</p><p>“<strong>Dormant Account</strong>â€Â means Player Account that is described in Section 10.2 but does not include the Player Account of an individual registered for My PlayBreak;</p><p>“<strong>Downtime</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 15.2;</p><p>“<strong>Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online</strong>â€Â means any of the games made available through OLG.ca from time to time that: (i) constitutes a “lottery schemeâ€Â for purposes of the Criminal Code (Canada), (ii) requires the Player to select a set of numbers or other play elements (whether chosen by the Player and/or randomly generated), and (iii) has its outcome or result being determined by a draw, but does not include any Pay-to-Play Game or any Play-for-Free Game.</p><p>“<strong>Error</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 15.1;</p><p>“<strong>Error Funds</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 15.1;</p><p>“<strong>Event</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in the applicable Pay-To-Play Game Rules;</p><p>“<strong>Excluded Individual</strong>â€Â means an individual who is not permitted to register an account with OLG.ca or, if the individual already has a Player Account, to maintain that Player Account in an activated state, including:</p><ol><li>an individual who does not satisfy all of the eligibility criteria that are described in Section 4.1 of this Agreement;</li><li>an individual who has been excluded from OLG.ca by court order or any applicable law or regulation or any rule or policy enacted pursuant thereto, including the AGCO Standards;</li><li>an individual who is prohibited from accessing a gaming site or playing lottery schemes under Standard 3.01 or Standard 3.01.1 of the AGCO iGaming Standards, or any other relevant provision of the AGCO iGaming Standards or AGCO Standards, from time to time;</li><li>an individual who has registered for self-exclusion from a Casino (as defined in the AGCO Gaming Standards) under My PlayBreak, for the duration of their My PlayBreak term (see the Responsible Gambling and My PlayBreak Policy for further information);</li><li>an individual registered for My PlayBreak;</li><li>an individual who is an employee of OLG or who, by contract or another arrangement with OLG, is prohibited from registering an account with OLG.ca; and</li><li>an individual who is an employee of an “iGaming vendorâ€Â or “an iGaming entityâ€Â (as such terms are defined in the OLG Rules Respecting iGaming Lottery Games as amended or replaced from time to time).</li></ol><p>“<strong>FINTRAC</strong>â€Â means the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada and the successors thereof;</p><p>“<strong>Future Game Transaction</strong>â€Â has the meaning specified in Section 5.3;</p><p>“<strong>Games</strong>â€Â means, collectively, Draw-Based Lottery Games Played Online, Pay-to-Play Games and Play-for-Free Games;</p><p>“<strong>iGaming System</strong>â€Â means the system that is used by OLG for the purpose of registering and administering Player Accounts, facilitating the playing of Games by Players, and paying prizes;</p><p>“<strong>Inactive Account</strong>â€Â means a Player Account that is described in Section 10.1 but does not include the Player Account of an individual registered for My PlayBreak;</p><p>“<strong>Intending Player</strong>â€Â means an individual described in Section 4.1;</p><p>“<strong>Live Stream</strong>†or “<strong>Live Streaming</strong>†means the real-time or near real-time audio-visual stream of a specific sporting match, game, competition, tournament or special event which a Player can access by meeting the eligibility requirements set out in Section 4.5;</p><p>“<strong>Lottery Game Rules</strong>â€Â means any terms, conditions, explanations, rules and procedures, including the prize structure, issued by OLG or the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation from time to time (in addition to this Agreement) which apply to a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online and which are designated by OLG as Lottery Game Rules.  Subject to Section 3, the Lottery Game Rules are incorporated into and form part of this Agreement;</p><p>“<strong>Mobile Applications</strong>â€Â means any application developed by or on behalf of OLG that Prospective Players and Players can install on their mobile device, such as mobile phone or tablet, and through which select Games are made available to eligible Players from time to time;</p><p>“<strong>Multi-Factor Authentication</strong>†has the meaning specified in Section 4.4.</p><p>“<strong>My PlayBreak</strong>â€â€¯has the meaning specified in the Responsible Gambling and My PlayBreak Policy;</p><p>“<strong>OLG</strong>â€Â means Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and the successors thereof;</p><p>“<strong>OLG.ca</strong>â€Â means OLG's websites and Mobile Applications through which select Games are made available to eligible Players from time to time;</p><p>“<strong>OLG Internet Gaming Privacy and Cookie Policy</strong>â€Â means the OLG.ca cookie and privacy policy, as amended or replaced by OLG from time to time. Subject to Section 3, the OLG Internet Gaming Privacy and Cookie Policy is incorporated into and forms part of this Agreement;</p><p><strong>“OLG IP Rightsâ€</strong> has the meaning specified in Section 14.3;</p><p><strong>“Pay-to-Play Gameâ€</strong> means any of the games or products made available through OLG.ca from time to time that: (i) constitutes a “lottery schemeâ€Â for purposes of the Criminal Code (Canada), (ii) requires the Player to place a bet or make a wager as a condition to entering the game, and (iii) affords the Player a chance to win a Prize but does not include any Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online or any Play-for-Free Game. Examples of Pay-to-Play Games include Sports Betting Games Played Online and casino style games such as roulette and slots;</p><p><strong>“Pay-to-Play Game Rulesâ€</strong> means the terms, conditions, explanations, rules and procedures (for example, how a Prize is won, the value and odds of winning Prizes for an individual Pay-to-Play Game, the Prize tiers within a Pay-to-Play Game) issued by OLG from time to time (in addition to this Agreement) which apply to a particular Pay-to-Play Game and which are designated by OLG as Pay-to-Play Game Rules.  Subject to Section 3, the Pay-to-Play Game Rules are incorporated into and form part of this Agreement;</p><p><strong>“Playerâ€</strong> means an individual (for certainty, other than an individual who is or becomes an Excluded Individual) who has successfully registered a Player Account that has not been Suspended, Deactivated, or Closed;</p><p><strong>“Player Accountâ€</strong> means a Player's account of notional funds corresponding to Canadian dollars that is maintained on the iGaming System, and also includes the Player's registration information, deposit and withdrawal transaction history, and game-play information that the Player can access through OLG.ca from time to time;</p><p><strong>“Player Contact Informationâ€</strong> means a Player's contact information that is associated with a Player Account and stored in the iGaming System at the relevant time including, for example, the Player's name, e-mail address, mailing address and telephone number;</p><p><strong>“Player-Initiated Transactionâ€</strong> has the meaning specified in Section 10.1;</p><p><strong>“Play-for-Free Gameâ€</strong> means any of the free games made available through OLG.ca from time to time that contain some the features of a “lottery schemeâ€Â for purposes of the Criminal Code (Canada) but do not afford a chance to win a Prize or require any payment to play;</p><p><strong>“Player Supportâ€</strong> means OLG.ca's customer support services, which can be contacted in accordance with Section 18.1;</p><p><strong>“Prizeâ€</strong> means a prize won by a Player from a Game in accordance with the applicable Lottery Game Rules or Pay-to-Play Game Rules;</p><p><strong>“Prospective Playerâ€</strong> means any individual who visits OLG.ca but is not a Player;</p><p>“<strong>Responsible Gambling and My PlayBreak Policy</strong>â€â€¯means the OLG responsible gambling policy relating specifically to OLG.ca, as amended or replaced by OLG from time to time. Subject to Section 3, the Responsible Gambling and My PlayBreak Policy is incorporated into and forms part of this Agreement;</p><p><strong>“Sports Betting Games Played Onlineâ€</strong> means Pay-to-Play Games made available through OLG’s online sports betting platform.</p><p><strong>“Suspended Accountâ€</strong> has the meaning specified in Section 12.1;</p><p><strong>“Suspendâ€</strong> or <strong>“Suspensionâ€</strong> means that a Player Account has been set to a Suspended Account as described in Section 12.1;</p><p>“<strong>Time-based One-time Password</strong>†has the meaning specified in Section 4.4.</p><p><strong>“Unutilized Fundsâ€</strong> means any notional funds corresponding to Canadian dollars that are credited to a Player Account, including Prizes but excluding Bonus Funds, that have not been used by the Player; and</p><p><strong>“Username and Passwordâ€</strong> means a unique combination of identifiers created by a Player that is used by a Player to identify themselves to the iGaming System each time the Player wants to access their Player Account.</p><h3>Online pokies Canada – Playing blackjack online for real money – online poker wager</h3><p>niagara falls Canada casinopoker ace high flushonline casino games best chance of winninggreen valley casinono deposit bonus codes Canada 2022 casino friend</p><p>Online Casino Free Bonus No Deposit No Download Canada Only – List of the 5 best online casino in Canada operators</p><p>how to play pokies in Canadanew wms slot machinespoker slots free onlinevirtual online casino instant playhabanero gaming slotsfree spins no deposit Canadamason slots casino no deposit bonus</p><h3>5.3 FUTURE GAME TRANSACTIONS  </h3><p>A ticket purchase transaction by a Player by way of subscription in accordance with this Section 5.3 is referred to as a “<strong>Future Game Transaction</strong>â€.</p><p>A Player who engages in, or attempts to engage in, Future Game Transactions is solely responsible for continually ensuring that:</p><ol><li>their Player Account contains sufficient Unutilized Funds (or Bonus Funds, if applicable) or that their permitted Direct Pay payment card is valid, operational and authorized by the issuing financial institution to process transactions (“<strong>Funded</strong>â€), for such Future Game Transaction; and</li><li>that the Player has completed the Future Game Transactions with adequate time (as determined by OLG) to allow OLG to process and record such transaction.</li></ol><p>Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such Player must, in addition to complying with all of the other terms and conditions of this Agreement which are then in effect:</p><ol><li>ensure that they have a valid ticket for the applicable draw as evidenced by the purchase confirmation displayed within their Player Account; and</li><li>ensure the existence, completeness, and accuracy of the information displayed within their Player Account (including, without limitation all purchase confirmations);</li></ol><p>all before such draw is held.</p><p>OLG does not undertake any obligation or responsibility for notifying a Player:</p><ol><li>if they do not have a “valid ticketâ€Â (as such term is defined in the OLG Rules Respecting iGaming Lottery Games) for any particular draw or draws; or</li><li>if they do or may have insufficient Unutilized Funds (or Bonus Funds, if applicable) available or if their permitted Direct Pay payment card is not Funded, to play a particular Game prior to rejecting the relevant transaction</li></ol><p>provided that the foregoing will not restrict OLG's ability to so notify a Player.</p><h2>Safe and Secure Online Gambling</h2><p>Before you make any transactions with an online casino, you should ensure that it is a safe and secure place to play. We use industry-standard encryption to protect all your financial information and personal details.</p><p>Our online casino is also licensed by the Curacao Gaming Control Board. Having a Curacao e-Gaming license reinforces our credibility. Furthermore, it gives our players the added sense of security that they're after. We abide by the gambling laws of Curacao and follow every guideline as stipulated by this authority, making us safe and trustworthy.</p><p>Would you like to have more reviews of these insanely awesome slot machines? In the Mr Bet Сasino Blog you will find detailed information about everything we cannot offer you at the moment, but will definitely offer in the future.</p><h2>How to open an account and play at online casinos?</h2><p>Now that you’ve been given a list of our top casinos in Canada and information on how we choose them, the time has come to create an account at one of these casinos and start playing.<strong> </strong>Signing up to an online casino is easy, and we’ve created a step-by-step guide that will help you even further.</p><ol><li><strong>Choose Your Site</strong> - The first thing you need to do is choose the site you’d like to play at. You should make your decision based on the most important factors to you, so if you want a casino with high RTP games, check out our list below, or if security is important to you, check out our list of the safest Canadian online casinos.</li><li><strong>Register </strong>- The registration process for online casinos is simple. All you need to do is fill out a form or two with your personal information, such as your name, address, and telephone number. Once you’ve filled out all your information, your account will be created.</li><li><strong>Choose a Banking Option</strong> - Once you’ve made your account, you’ll need to fund it to start playing. Check out the range of banking options they have, and choose the one that you’d like to use.</li><li><strong>Make a Deposit</strong> - After choosing your banking method, the next step is to make a deposit. All you need to do is fill out your payment information, type in the amount you’d like to deposit, and complete any security checks. As soon as you’re finished depositing, your funds will be immediately available.</li><li><strong>Start Playing!</strong> - Once your deposit has been processed, you’re ready to start playing, so pick your favourite game and have fun!</li></ol><h2>How to Find a Canadian Online Casino with High Payouts</h2><p>Slot payouts are not determined by the casino, but rather by the slot games, Every slot game has a different return to player (RTP), and volatility level. The RTP is the percentage of bets that are returned to players, while volatility is a measure of how often the game pays out.</p><p>The best way to find a Canadian online casino with high payouts is to choose a slot game with a high RTP and low volatility. For example, the slot game Blood Suckers from NetEnt has an RTP of 98%, which means that for every $100 you bet, you can expect to get back $98. The game also has low volatility, which means that it pays out often, but the wins are usually small.</p><p>If you're looking for a Canadian online casino with high payouts, then choose Betbeard. It offers a wide range of slots with high RTPs and low volatility. You can also take advantage of the casino's generous bonuses to boost your winnings.</p><h2>Play Online Casino Games with Mr Bet</h2><p>What can be better than spending an evening at Mr Bet online mobile casino? Once you have successfully registered on our platform and started your casino journey, you get many new opportunities to explore the bright gambling world. The friendly support team of Mr Bet is always ready to assist and provide guidance on your adventure.</p><p>To qualify for Mr Bet tournaments or other types of entertaiment (you can check on them in our lobby), you’ll first need to register and deposit. Within a few minutes, you’ll be ready to join thousands of players worldwide! Don’t forget to grab your bonuses though!</p><h3>4. Can I play online casino Canada real money games for free?  </h3><p>Yes! You can either play games in dummy mode for no money, or you can claim your casino welcome bonus to play real money games for free.</p><h3><strong>#1. Queen Spins – Overall Best Online Casino Canada Site- Editor’s Pick </strong></h3><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/kr7Nr5sGOSiuZtY0laLfVmYPzE2KSYbo_0ZTNlSbMhFiQxw686aRWaXzZIqU1AEFEi9pahOWQhn_0n50bacTemK9rD5O-WiNTKOvaNX9TXjpgSflqX4xPkn4-EQPH4PDVAPLGfZInph4Z_vsjHEWjbA" alt ><p>Queen Spins Casino is a new casino on the block that has earned its place atop our list due to the quality of the games and services it offers its customers. It quickly became a top destination for Canadians because it started with a great structure. In terms of legality, they are solid with a regulatory license from the government of Curacao.</p><p>Furthermore, Queen Spins has an extensive collection of games, with almost 3,000 slot games alone. This, combined with its hundreds of other available games, makes it a haven for gambling enthusiasts. There is little to no chance that you will ever get bored with their selection of games from the very best software providers.</p><p>Additionally, their platform is extremely safe, and they go the extra mile to do identity verification before financial transactions. They also don’t charge fees on most of their deposit methods, helping you to save some money. To top it all, they have 24/7 customer support solidifying their spot among the top online casinos.</p><h2>#4 – Omni Casino</h2><p>Omni Casino was established in 1997, and is considered by many to be the oldest online casino in the world. They’ve stuck around for over 2 decades by offering outstanding customer service to players all over the world. They have a large base of players in Canada, especially Ontario and Quebec.</p><p>They have a huge welcome bonus, and they have easy deposit options including credit cards, InstaDebit and Instant Banking.</p><p>The games are stunning both on desktop and on mobile phones. You can choose from 100s of state of the art slot machines, or exciting table games including multiple versions of blackjack, as well as American and European Roulette.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <h4 class="post-title mt-5">New articles</h4> <hr class="my-4"> <div class="post-preview"> <a href="/how-to-enjoy-free-casino-video-slots-on-your-iphone-eztouch-corporation"> <h4 class="post-title">How to Enjoy Free Casino Video Slots on Your iPhone – EZTouch Corporation</h4> </a> <p class="post-meta"> Posted by on 11 Aug, 2022 </p> <p> How to Enjoy Free Casino Video Slots on Your iPhone – EZTouch Corporation </p> </div> <hr class="my-4"> <div class="post-preview"> <a href="/download-royal-vegas-android-app-to-play-slots-in-ireland"> <h4 class="post-title">Download Royal Vegas Android App To Play Slots In Ireland</h4> </a> <p class="post-meta"> Posted by on 31 Aug, 2022 </p> <p> How to download Royal Vegas Android app to play slots In Ireland? 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